Earth Day, 365 Days a Year

February 13, 2023 by Bailey Rummler

From choosing eco-friendly solutions for our clients to recycling in the office, PRAXIS3 has integrated sustainability throughout our entire practice. In 2022, in celebration of Earth Day, PRAXIS3’s Sustainability Committee challenged our team members to commit to a personal sustainability goal, and over a third of our office participated. From growing food to planting trees to taking more public transportation, this activity empowered our team to make sustainable choices that align with their current lifestyles.

Practicing sustainability looks different for everyone. Specifically, we followed up with four of our P3’ers with unique pledges, Martha, Brittni, Sarah, and Scott, to see how successful they’ve been at integrating sustainability into their lives over the past several months.

Martha Henderson-Bennett pledged to hang out her laundry. She’s been able to hang one in four loads, cutting down on 25% of her dryer energy usage.

Brittni Cooper pledged to pack her lunch more often with reusable packaging. By bringing her lunch from home in her own containers, she cuts down on the waste typically associated with restaurant takeout like plastic utensils, plastic bags, and Styrofoam containers.

Sarah Butler and her family are participating in Meatless Mondays. Reducing your meat consumption can have a bigger impact than driving a car. Sarah’s schedule is car dependent with errands, school drop-offs, and site visits, so she chose a goal that is still environmentally friendly that fits within her lifestyle.

Scott Mahle’s Earth Day pledge was to start a garden. Since then, he’s started growing greens, herbs, tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes. He’s also planted fruit trees, figs, blueberry bushes, and apples that will begin producing their fruit in a few years. By growing, harvesting, and eating his own crops instead of buying produce at the grocery store, Scott is cutting down on food waste and his grocery bill.

Our Earth Day pledges reminded us that choosing a more sustainable path doesn’t have to be complicated and that there are often sustainable swaps we can make that fit easily into our existing habits. PRAXIS3 is proud to be a champion of sustainability in our individual lives and as a firm, and we strive to commit to sustainable practices everyday.